Filament Wound Construction: Micron fiberglass filters embody the latest in fiberglass winding technology. Micron fiberglass vessels consist of an inner shell of fiberglass reinforced polyester resin wound over with fiberglass filament. Waterco's digitally controlled filament winding machine faultlessly winds continuous strands of high quality fiberglass filament under controlled tension filament to create a seamless one-piece vessel with refined consistency and superior quality. There are no welds or seams or special tank linings which can corrode or electrolyse.
Proven Durability: Waterco fiberglass filters are perfectly suited to the constant increases and decreases in pressure experienced by sand filters. Accelerated cyclic testing has shown that even after simulating 20 years of use, Waterco fiberglass filters withstood cyclic wear and tear better than most other filters in its class.
Water Saving "Fish Tail" laterals: Filament Wound filters are equipped with "Fish Tail" laterals, to improve its filtration and backwashing hydraulic. Fish Tail laterals provide effective coverage of the filter bed and balanced water flow, during backwashing. Filament wound filters backwash time is significantly reduced, leading to a 30% savings of backwash water.
Energy Saving "Fish Tail" laterals: The Filament Wound Filters hydraulic efficiency halves the backwash flow rate of a conventional sand filter, allowing the option for low powered, energy efficient pumps for filtration flow and backwash flow.
Easy Maintenance: Cleansing the filter simply requires turning the multiport lever from the "filter" position to the "backwash" position, which reverses the flow of water in the filter, flushing the filter bed.

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