Join the Poolblu Family: Franchise with us!

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Poolblu Introduction from Sean Gallagher on Vimeo.

Poolblu Announces Expansion
The company is adding new franchise locations throughout North and Central America

Lake Geneva, WI -- January 3, 2024

“We've been looking forward to this since day one,” says Sean Gallagher, CEO and founder of Poolblu. “We built Poolblu from the ground up to be a multi-market service and supply network, and we couldn’t be more excited to be growing in this way.”

The Poolblu team has embarked on the next chapter in the company's expansion -- granting franchises to motivated entrepreneurs who, like us, see the tremendous potential for growth, fun, and financial stability in the pool and spa industry.

"Over the years, Poolblu has developed an entirely new way of doing business that is focused on our technicians -- the tradespeople at work every day in the backyards and pump rooms," explains Gallagher. "When they're well-trained and have the resources they need to thrive in their jobs, it's amazing how much of a difference it makes."

Poolblu is taking this paradigm shift to scale -- along with the purpose-built software and other technologies that make it all work in the real world, in pools and spas across North America.

If you think you'll love the freedom and rewards that a pool and spa business provides, talk to us. We love what we do, and we'd love to help you imagine a future as a Poolblu franchise owner.

Ready to join the the Poolblu family? Learn more at

Read more of this story on EIN.

Poolblu is a leading pool and spa industry design, build, maintenance, service and supply organization. Clients range from internationally known destination and hospitality brands to backyard pool and spa owners. Poolblu is expanding its network throughout North and Central America and the Caribbean with both franchised and company-owned locations.

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